
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop
Chro·ma /ˈkrōmə/

Purity or intensity of color.
The class of 2023 can be described a full spectrum of personality and talent, and all their own color.
CHROMA is a proposed brand identity for the Class of 2023 Capstone Exhibition for the School of Visual Arts at the University of Oklahoma. The exhibition is all about the work you've done and showcasing the fruits of your labor all these years. As a team, we wanted to allow this capstone exhibition to be as personal it's very been. In order to allow individual voices and thoughts to shine, students would select their own color to personalize their banner to make it uniquely theirs. While our banners are a summary of our individual efforts, the identity of the exhibition ties our colors together as a school and as the class of 2023.
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